Membership Information

You have selected the ASHI Retired Inspector membership level.

The highest level of ASHI membership is available to inspectors that earn the ASHI Certified Inspector (ACI). The ACI credential is fully accredited by the National Commission of Certifying Agencies (NCCA). ACI’s are recognized as having the highest standards in the profession. Once this level is reached, members have access to all ASHI member benefits. ACI's are recognized as leaders in the home inspection industry. See our Membership page to see the requirements of this membership option.

The price for membership is $30.00 per Year.

Account Information

Already have an account? Log in here

General Member Profile Information

Enter your contact information and social media links.

Please display your full name here, or the name of your business here if applicable.

This is the link of your website if you wish for it to be displayed on your profile.

Separate each service with a comma.

Separate each property type with a comma.

Please enter the different counties that represent your service area. Please only list a maximum of 10 counties. Separate each county with a comma. (For Example: Franklin, Madison, Fairfield)

Please enter the different cities or towns you would like to be represented in. Separate each city or town with a comma. (For Example: Columbus, Delaware, Dayton)

If you have a home inspection license for the state of Ohio, please enter here. (For example: OHI.2020202020)

Please enter your National ASHI number (if this applies to you). You do NOT need to be a member of ASHI to be a member of the chapter.

Please enter when you become a national ASHI member (if applicable)

Billing Address

Payment Information

Pay with Credit Card